Count the Contradictions

I saw this comment in an article which stated Wal-Mart is going to start selling iPads. The comments after a news article are generally a source for some of the most inane, ignorant thoughts ever contributed to the Internet. They’re especially bad following articles relating to crime, but this one stood out because the article hardly covers a controversial topic. The crime related ones are just to easy to hate.

Wal-Mart single-handedly killed small town USA. They truly are “too big to fail” Stop and think what will happen if Wal-Mart suddenly went under.
It’s time to start pulling back and let them die a slow death.


Published in: on October 12, 2010 at 2:44 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Cyber Monday?

Americans have a new reason to ramp up their massive consumerism! Cyber Monday has arrived! Ok, so the term has existed for a few years now, but I’m hearing it for the first time. Cyber Monday is the day when supposedly online sales peak. So we are encouraged to celebrate by buying more! Now I’m not opposed to online retailers using the term as an excuse to offer great discounts and sell things at a cheaper price. I support any excuse to discount items. What I hate is how Cyber Monday is presented to us all as the day when we’re supposed to buy things online. And it’s done in a “didn’t you know this already?” fashion. (more…)

Documentary Round-Up

I’ve been on a bit of a documentary kick lately. I’ve already talked about I.O.U.S.A. and I just finished Maxed Out, which takes on personal debt and the credit card companies as opposed to the national debt. Just like I.O.U.S.A. it serves as a wake-up call for financial responsibility. I first had this wake-up call after attending a Dave Ramsey, Financial Peace class about a year ago and I can’t stress enough how important is for the individual to maintain financial responsibility. Debt is crushing people out there so I suggest you take control before it comes down on you. (more…)

You Owe $38,973

That’s right. Don’t believe me? Check this out. Then, by all means, do more research to see if it’s accurate. I was alerted to this by a documentary I just watched called I.O.U.S.A. It features Warren Buffet, Alan Greenspan, Robert Bixby, Ron Paul, David Walker and several presidents and other politicians. I would really love to see an updated version, now that our national debt has taken off even more than I believe they anticipated. You can watch the video on Netflix or in parts on youtube. Also there is a micro-version on youtube, which is probably good. (more…)

What’s On Your Mind?

A lot of Yahoo! users (and by extension, a lot of people around the world) have something on their mind. It’s not the war in Iraq, nor is it the war in Afghanistan. It’s not Obama and his peace prize. It’s not even the economy, gas prices or unemployment rates amazingly enough. No. If Yahoo! rank their most popular searches accurately it’s something a touch more trivial. (more…)